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How Do You Determine The Authority Of A Piece Of Content?

Determining the authority of a piece of content is tricky, as no search engine has explicitly shared any criteria. It is mainly left to the marketers to examine and identify what works as authoritative content for their brand. 

Domains without authority-driven content often struggle with high bounce rates, leading to low traffic and conversions. Content pieces with authority ensure you stand out from your competitors and meet your engagement goals. 

Authoritative content demonstrates expertise, is frequently referenced, and is backed by credible sources, establishing your website as a go-to resource in its niche. 

Let’s discuss how building an authoritative website can be made easy with the right content pieces. 

Three Elements That Determine The Authority of a Piece of Content

Optimizing content for search engines is crucial, but it contributes little to making the piece of content authoritative. SEO does ensure that your page ranks well on the SERPs, but it does not build credibility. 

Authority content comprises in-depth expertise and experience in a particular niche. Optimized SEO content might get users to your content, but its value and trustworthiness will make it authoritative and genuinely impactful.

Three Elements That Determine The Authority of a Piece of Content

Here are the three elements that determine the authority of a piece of content:

a. Widely Discussed in Relevant Niche

Talking about the trending topics in your relevant niche showcases that you’re listening to your target audience. Taking in recent queries and creating educational content pieces around such topics plants you as a thought leader in your niche. 

b. Frequently Referenced Across Multiple Platforms

Helpful and valuable content is shared across multiple platforms, such as social media and through backlinks on other websites. This signals how relevant the content really is and gives insight into the broader discourse.

c. Regularly Cited as a Source 

When content is recommended by recognized experts and influencers in the field, it enhances its credibility and demonstrates its value as a trusted resource within the niche.

What is Topical Authority?

Topical authority refers to a source or piece of content's credibility and expertise within a specific subject area. Any content indicates authority when it is rich in experience and knowledge, backed by relevant statistics and case studies.

Such content helps the domain rank, pushes for higher-quality traffic, and establishes the brand as a trusted source within its niche. 

how topical authority builds up

When a domain keeps creating and sharing content related to its services, be it educational blog posts, optimized service pages, etc., the search engines also start recognizing the brand as one of the most relevant websites to the niche it is targeting, making it easier to rank for targeted and related keywords.

Such is the power of building topical authority. 

How Do Search Engines Determine the Credibility of Your Domain and Content?

How search engines define a domain's credibility differs from how a user would describe it. 

Search engines like Google keep optimizing their algorithms to make the SERPs more efficient in showcasing relevant results. Google's latest EEAT update signifies its shifting focus on experience, expertise, authority, and trust-driven content. 

While expertise and experience can be demonstrated through creating unique pieces of content, building authority and trust takes time. 

For example, Google might anticipate the authority of your content with the help of the following factors:

1. Domain Authority and Page Authority

Domain Authority (DA) and page authority (PA) are two metrics developed by Moz to measure a page's influence. DA measures the authority of the whole website, while PA helps analyze the credibility of individual pages. The scores are evaluated using factors like the number of backlinks, domain age, etc. 

Domain Authority and Page Authority

The DA and PA of any website can be easily checked with the help of Moz’s free extension

2. On-Page SEO and Technical SEO

On-page and technical SEO represent the overall health of a website. 

Technical SEO considers site speed, mobile-friendliness, security, and other factors, while on-page SEO keeps keywords, meta tags, and content in check.

When done right, the site indicates to Google that it is well-organized and updated promptly, winning credibility and increasing the brand’s visibility.

Search engines evaluate the trustability of a domain and page based on its user experience—metrics like bounce rate and time on site help search engines assess how users interact with your site. 

How to Improve the Authority of Your Content Pieces?

1. Get Quality Backlinks

Search engines view backlinks as endorsements by other websites to your domain. A higher number of quality backlinks indicates that authentic websites widely trust your content, resulting in better DA and PA scores. 

Developing shareable content like research-based reports, sharing your expertise through quotes, and guest blogging on other domains help you attract backlinks organically. The purpose is to get links from domains that are seen as authoritative and credible.

Avoid low-quality or spammy backlinks, which can damage your content’s credibility. Regularly analyze your backlink profile and use tools like Google Search Console to disavow harmful links.

2. Write Niche Driven Content

When search engines clearly understand your domain's niche, it becomes easier to rank for relevant keywords. 

How To Write Niche Driven Content

Creating content on different topics will not help attract your target audience but can confuse search engines that might tag your website as generic. Build your content marketing plans around your niche and specific problems.

Doing so lets you easily share your experience through your content and showcase your authority in the respective field. 

In-depth, highly focused articles attract more relevant traffic and can position your site as a go-to resource for that niche. It, in turn, makes it easier to earn backlinks and enhance credibility over time.

3. Optimize for SEO

For a content piece to be authoritative, it needs SEO as well. 

Demonstrating expertise and experience through content is critical and helps create better user experience. Here, SEO ensures that search engines can quickly notice your content.

The right keywords, headers, meta tags, alt tags, and internal links make it easier for search engines to crawl your domain. Quality backlinks, fast-loading, and mobile-friendly pages improve your ranking potential.

4. Engage With Your Audience

Creating authoritative content is not enough to establish your brand as a thorough leader in your niche; you must also engage with your target audience. Social media has made this task easier.

Always share highlights of your new content on social media to start a discussion about it. Newsletters can take this further, helping you create an email list of the audience interested in your insights and brand. 

Waseem bashir newsletter example

When customers engage with your content—by sharing, commenting, or spending more time on your page—it indicates to search engines like Google that your content is valuable. The more engagement your content gets, the more authoritative it seems.

5. Use Data and Case Studies

Incorporating information, statistics, and case research into your content can dramatically improve its perceived authority. Numbers offer a solid basis for your claims, making your content more honest and impactful.

When you reference well-conducted studies or reviews, it indicates that your content is not just based totally on opinion but on authentic information.

Original and real-life case studies that display practical success stories can also attract backlinks and shares from other websites and creators on social media. Always offer accurate and latest records from reliable resources and update them if newer data becomes available.

6. Update Content Regularly

Regularly updating your content ensures that it stays applicable, correct, and aligned with current trends, which is crucial for retaining its authority. Outdated information can damage your popularity, as search engines and users prefer fresh content.

Conduct periodic audits of your content to identify sections needing revision or expansion. You can upload new insights, records, images, or relevant and valuable updates to keep the content.

This exercise strengthens your authority and improves ranking, as Google rewards pages that show they are regularly maintained and remain a dependable source.

Create Authority-Driven Content

It is impossible to increase your domain or content authority overnight. You must periodically plan and update your content marketing strategy to determine what works for your brand. 

Now, more than ever, it has become crucial to determine a piece of content's authority, as Google has shifted its focus from generic to expertise—and experience-enriched content. 

I also share content regularly through blog posts and social media, so aligning my content with Google’s EEAT framework is crucial. To ensure that I never miss out on any of the factors that help create authoritative content, I made a system called the “Authority Edge.” It has helped me a lot in maintaining the quality of my content while not compromising on the SEO aspects. 

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Image of Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir
CEO of Apexure
Image of Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir
CEO of Apexure
Image of Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir
CEO of Apexure

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